Cantillon Divin Lambic

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Cantillon Divin Lambic is a blend of two barrels of 2-year-old lambic macerated with late harvest grenache noir grapes coming from De Vini. It contains 300 g/L of grapes to lambic and is listed as 6.5% ABV. Between 700 and 900 bottles were produced.

History / Other Notes

Christophe Bosque, owner of De Vini, proposed a lambic with grenache noir grapes after having provided the Viognier grapes for the 2019 bottling of Vigneronne. The brewery accepted and received 300 kg of grapes. After the lambic was bottled the batch was split evenly between the winery and the brewery. It has been served on-site at Cantillon, and some bottles have been sold by the winemaker. The name Divin Lambic is derived from a wine of a similar name from De Vini, Divin Poison Rouge (Divine Poison), made from grenache noir grapes. The 2019 vintage of Divin Poison Rouge also contains grapes from the same harvest as Divin Lambic.

Bottle Log

Bottle Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Cork Date Bottle Size Label / Notes Image Link
12/22/2019 Season 19/20 750 mL Some bottles were mislabeled with the Pineau d'Aunis rear label and have a bottling date of 12/20/2020. This is incorrect, and new rear labels were created to place over top the incorrect ones. N/A



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