Geuzestekerij Parrain
Address: Herman Teirlinckplein 3, B-1650 Beersel, Belgium
Phone: +32 2 331 06 52
Open: From Friday to Monday; 12pm - 2pm, 6pm - 9:30pm
Geuzestekerij Parrain is a blendery in Beersel, Belgium, created by Julie and Thomas Debelder in the cellar of the 3 Fonteinen restaurant where Gaston & Armand Debelder used to blend lambics. The name Parrain means "godfather" and it a tribute to both Armand and Gaston Debelder.
For the first blends, the blendery used wort from Boon and Den Herberg. Beginning in 2024, they started sourcing from other lambic breweries as well, and had around 8,000 L of lambic maturing in the cellar of the restaurant.