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Microbiology and Biochemistry

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Saccharomyces dominance
==Saccharomyces dominance==
[[file:Saccharomyces_micrograph.jpg|thumb|right|Micrograph of Saccharomyces cerevisiae]]
After the pH falls below ~4.5 and the alcohol content rises over ~2%, [[Saccharomyces| Saccharomyces species]] take over as the dominant organisms in the wort, though Saccharomyces is present in large numbers well prior to the dissapearance of the enterobacteria. Saccharomyces will remain dominant until at least 6 to 8 months into fermentation, and will maintain a presence, though no longer active, throughout fermentation. Despite Saccharomyces' importance to the fermentation of Lambic, its concentrations remain below 10⁷ cells per mL of wort, which is considerably lower than the 10⁸ cells/mL found in commercial beers.<ref name=Oevelen77 >D. Van Oevelen, M. Spaepen, P. Timmermans and H. Verachtert, [|MICROBIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF SPONTANEOUS WORT FERMENTATION IN THE PRODUCTION OF LAMBIC AND GUEUZE], 1977</ref><ref name="Guinard">Jean-Xavier Guinard, [[Books#Classic Beer Styles: Lambic|Classic Beer Styles: Lambic]], 1990</ref>

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