Brasserie Houyoux

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Brewery postcard, dated 1907.

Source: Wikimedia Commons


Brasserie Houyoux was founded in 1899 by Maurice Houyoux in Nalinnes (Haies). It was located at Rue Docteur Paul Maître 15-17. The brewery was also known as "La Nalinnoise" and produced Gueuze-Lambic. Maurice Houyoux was succeeded by Georges Houyoux-Mommens, who won a bronze medal at the Worlds Fair in 1900. At the turn of the 20th century, the brewery went through a period of flourishing prosperity before WWI, until the war effectively ceased it's operations from 1914-1918. Post-war, the brewery reopened under the Piron family, and continued until 1924. The buildings are still standing today, and have been converted into apartments. [1] [2] [3] [4]


  • Gueuze-Lambic



  1. Calderon, Adelijn. Verdwenen brouwerijen van Belgie. Uitgever, Mens & Cultuur, 2012. pp. 366
  2. Friedrich, Manfred. Brauerei Verzeichnis - Belgien. FvB, 1984.
  3. Lejune, Bernard. Nalinnes - Mémoire en Images Cent Ans de Cartes Postales. Publication du Syndicat d'Initiative du Nalinnes,1999. pp. 146-149
  4. Exposition universelle internationale de 1900 à Paris: Section Belge. pp. 268