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Bofkont Kallise Merlot-Kriek

From Lambic.Info

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Bofkont Kallise Merlot-Kriek is a blend of 1 and 2-year-old lambic aged in Bordeaux barrels with Noord and Kelleris cherries, which was then blended again with a part of lambic aged on merlot grapes and a part of lambic aged on kalisse wood (liquorice).

Bottle Log

Bottle date


Cork Date Bottle Size Label / Notes
xx/xx/2020 2020 750 mL Simple white label with the older Bofkont logo, name of the beer and 2019 on the front label
06/28/2021 2021 750 mL & 1.5 L Simple white label with the older Bofkont logo, name of the beer and 2020 on the front label

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