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The books below are referenced throughout this site and can be an invaluable resource when learning more about Lambic.

Classic Beer Styles: Lambic

ISBN: 978-0937381229


This book is the shit and super fucking rare. BOOKWAELZBRO

Geuze & Kriek: The Secret of Lambic Beer

ISBN: 978-9020998764


This book is the shit

La Gueuze gourmande

ISBN: 978-2-9600836-2-0

Publisher's Page: Editions les Capucines


Who knew Jean Pierre wrote so much great info about Cantillon?

Le temps des cerises chez Cantillon

ISBN: 978-2-9600836-3-7

Publisher's Page: Editions les Capucines


Cooking with Cantillon; it's not just for drinking any more.