
A Brief History of Lambic in Belgium

205 bytes added, 20:35, 5 January 2015
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As lambic brewers and blenders began to recognize the importance of keeping the older traditions alive, they banded together for [[HORAL]]. This group aimes to promote lambic beers, brewing, and culture in Belgium. Their stated goals are "to promote the craft lambic beers and related products, paying attention to the entire process of brewing to serving lambic; denouncing irregularities concerning artisanal lambic beers and related products; take steps to protect the traditional lambic beers and related products".<ref name = HORALAssociation> HORAL - Association, Members, and History, (Dutch)</ref> HORAL has worked to obtain and maintain current European Protections on traditional lambic beers since the Traditionally Specialty Guaranteed label was assigned to them in 1997.<Ref name = Avermaete&Vandermosten> Tessa Avermaete and Gert Vandermosten, Traditional Belgian Beers in a Global Market Economy, 2009 </ref>
===Lambic 2000 - Present===
This renewed interest in lambic has inspired new generations of brewers, blenders, and consumers alike. The most recent commercial blender, [[Gueuzerie_Tilquin|Gueuzerie Tilquin]] opened its doors in 2011 and has been well received by the lambic community both at home and abroad. Breweries continue to experiment with new lambics, classics are reemerging, and [[Home#Lambic_Events|lambic events]], [[Museums|museums]], and breweries are seeing record numbers of attendees visitors. The new chapter in the history of lambic is currently being written. The , and the recent surge in popularity and the return of more traditional products is a welcomed sign of things to come.
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[[An_Overview_of_Lambic|← An Overview of Lambic]]
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