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When discussing lambic, it is important to remember that there are two primary languages used within the Belgian lambic community: Belgian Dutch (sometimes referred to as Flemmish) and Belgian French. Throughout the Lambic.Info project, we have chosen to use specific Belgian Dutch and Belgian French terms where appropriate for brewers, beer names, equipment, etc. This may cause some confusion to the general reader. This glossary of terms seeks to inform the reader of common non-English and English terms used throughout the site. There may also be some technical terms that are defined below. This page will continue to expand as the site expands. Links are provided to any relevant sections or articles when available.


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


  • Acetic acid: Low molecular weight acid with a sharp, vinegar taste
  • Acetobacter: Gram-negative bacteria that produce large amounts of acetic acid
  • Aerobic: Requiring or occuring in the presence of oxygen
  • Anaerobic: Not requiring oxygen or occurring in the absence of oxygen


  • Bière: French for beer
  • Brettanomyces: "British fungus", a yeast responsible for many of the characteristics in Lambic
  • Brussel: Dutch for Brussels, the capital of Belgium
  • Bruxelles: French for Brussels, the capital of Belgium


  • Coolship: Anglicized version of koelschip, a piece of equipment used in spontaneous fermentation


  • Doesjel: Belgian Dutch slang similar to loerik (see below) closely approximating to snoozer or lazy. Used when a geuze does not referment in the bottle.
  • Druiven: Dutch for grapes


  • Ethanol: Simple, two carbon alcohol. Responsible for the intoxicating effects of alcoholic beverages. Often simply called "alcohol"
  • Ethyl alcohol: See Ethanol
  • Ethyl acetate: An ester of ethyl alcohol and acetic acid. Has an odor of green apples


  • Framboise: French for raspberry
  • Frambozen: Dutch for raspberries


  • Glucose: A simple monosaccharide sugar. Can be metabolised by most yeast and bacteria




  • Jeune: French for young
  • Jonge: Dutch for young


  • Koelschip:A piece of equipment used in spontaneous fermentation
  • Kriek: A type of sour Morello cherry used for fruiting lambic


  • Lactic acid: A low molecular-weight organic acid with a sharp, tart flavor. Found in many foods, including yogurt, sourdough bread, and Lambic
  • Lactobacillus: Gram-positive bacteria that can produce copious amounts of lactic acid. See Lactic acid
  • Lambiek: Belgian Dutch for lambic
  • Loerik: Slang Belgian Dutch adjective approximately relating to lazy in English. Used when a geuze does not referment in the bottle




  • Oude: Dutch adjective for old


  • Pajottenland: Sometimes written in English as Payottenland, this extremely fertile agricultural region of Belgium is situated in a valley to the south-west of Brussels between the rivers Senne and Dendre and is cradle of lambic production.
  • pH: The negative logarithm of hydrogen ion concentration. A measure of acidity, where lower is more acidic




  • Saccromyces: A genera of yeast responsible for many purposes in food production. Consumes simple sugars and produces carbon dioxide and ethanol
  • Senne The French term for the Zenne valley and river.
  • Stoemper: A small rod with a flattened end used to crush sugar cubes into a glass of lambic in order to sweeten it.




  • Vieille: French feminine singular adjective for old
  • Vieux: French masculine singular and plural adjective for old
  • Vlaams-Brabant: Belgian Dutch for Flemish Brabant, the provincial region that encompasses the Pajottenland


  • Wallonie: The French-speaking region of southern Belgium.




  • Zenne: Belgian Dutch for Zenne valley and river