Page history
30 January 2015
→Sources of the microbes in Lambic
→Sources of the microbes in Lambic
→Sources of the microbes in Lambic
→Sources of the microbes in Lambic
→Continued aging
→Continued aging
→Refermentation in the bottle
→Pediococcus dominance
→Brettanomyces dominance
→The Brettanomyces stage
→Saccharomyces dominance
→The enteric stage
→Spontaneous fermentation
→Spontaneous fermentation
→Spontaneous fermentation
29 January 2015
→The enteric stage
→Geographical variation
→Continued aging
→Geographical variation
→Refermentation in the bottle
→The Brettanomyces stage
→The enteric stage
→Saccharomyces dominance
→Spontaneous fermentation
→The Brettanomyces stage
→The Brettanomyces stage
→Refermentation in the bottle
→Geographical variation
→Geographical variation
→The enteric stage
→Stages of Lambic fermentation
→Geographical variation
→Geographical variation
→Geographical variation
→The Brettanomyces stage
→The Brettanomyces stage
→The Brettanomyces stage
→Continued aging
→Geographical variation
28 January 2015
→Pediococcus dominance
→The Brettanomyces stage
→Pediococcus dominance
→Saccharomyces dominance
→Saccharomyces dominance
→Spontaneous fermentation in other traditional drinks and foods
→Saccharomyces dominance