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The following bibliography represents a wealth of information and research on lambic that has been conducted by authors as far back as the late 1800's. The documents presented note the language (English, Dutch, or French) as well as a few keywords of the topic discussed. All work referenced here remains property of the author and/or publisher. For more information on other primary sources, please see our books page.

Author's Last Name

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Alfonzo, A. et al. (2013) Diversity and technological potential of lactic acid bacteria of wheat flours. Food Microbiology.
Language: English
Category: Science

Alexandre, H. (2013). Flor yeasts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae—Their ecology, genetics and metabolism International Journal of Food Microbiology.
Language: English
Category: Science

Antoine, X. (1908). La Brasserie de Lambic. Le Petit Journal du Brasseur.
Language: French
Category: Science, brewing


Bamforth, C. (2002). Nutritional aspects of beer—a review Nutrition Research.
Language: English
Category: Science

Beaumont , S. (2000). Long Live Lambic. The Celebrator Beer News.
Language: English
Category: History, Culture

Beaumont , S. (2002). A Beer Called Lambic. Saveur.
Language: English
Category: History, Culture

Beerpassion. (2001). The Unique ‘Lambic’ and ‘Gueuze’ Pubs in Pajottenland. Beerpassion.
Language: English
Category: Geography

Belgeonne, W. (1946). L’Evolution de la Fermentation Spontanée. Le Petit Journal du Brasseur.
Language: French
Category: Science

Bleoanca, I. et al. (2013). Relationship between ethanol and oxidative stress in laboratory and brewing yeast strains. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering.
Language: English
Category: Science

Bokulich , N. et al. (2012). Brewhouse-Resident Microbiota Are Responsible for Multi-Stage Fermentation of American Coolship Ale. PLOS ONE.
Language: English
Category: Science

Bourdichon, F. et al. (2012) Characterization of the volatile profiles of beer using headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. International Journal of Food Microbiology.
Language: English
Category: Science

Bourdichon, F. et al. (2013). Food fermentations: Microorganisms with technological beneficial use. International Journal of Food Microbiology.
Language: English
Category: Science

Buffels, M. (1992). Voortgezet Onderzoek op Lambikgisting Door Middel van Reinculturen en Isolaten uit Lambik. Katholieke Industriële Hogeschool Oost-Vlaanderen (KIHO).
Language: Dutch
Category: Science, Fermentation


Conterno, L. (2013). Overview of Dekkera bruxellensis behaviour in an ethanol-rich environment using untargeted and targeted metabolomic approaches. Food Research International.
Language: English
Category: Science

Crauwels, S. (2015). Assessing genetic and phenotypic diversity of Brettanomyces yeast. Thesis, KU Leuven.
Language: English
Category: Science

Crauwels, S. et al. (2015). Comparative phenomics and targeted use of genomics reveals variation in carbon and nitrogen assimilation among different Brettanomyces bruxellensis strains. Applied Microbial and Cell Physiology.
Language: English
Category: Science

Curtin, C. (2013). Impact of Australian Dekkera bruxellensis strains grown under oxygen-limited conditions on model wine composition and aroma. Food Microbiology.
Language: English
Category: Science


Daenen, L. et al. (2008). Evaluation of the Glycoside Hydrolase Activity of a Brettanomyces Strain on Glycosides from Sour Cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) Used in the Production of Special Fruit Beers. Federation of European Microbiological Societies.
Language: English
Category: Science

Daenen, L. et al. (2007). Screening and evaluation of the glucoside hydrolase activity in Saccharomyces and Brettanomyces brewing yeasts. Journal of Applied Microbiology.
Language: English
Category: Science

De Clerck, J. (1951). Essais sur la composition du trouble colloïdal appelé 'double face' du lambic. Centre Technique et Scientifique de la Brasserie, de la Malterie et des Industries Connexes - 'CBM'
Language: French
Category: Science

De Clerck, J. (1953). Essais sur la composition du trouble colloïdal appelé 'double face' du lambic. Centre Technique et Scientifique de la Brasserie, de la Malterie et des Industries Connexes - 'CBM'
Language: French
Category: Science

De Clippeleer, J. et al. (2009). Comprehensive chemical-analytical profiling and characterisation of Belgian "Kriek" beers. EBC Congress.
Language: English
Category: Science

De Keersmaecker, J. (1996). The Mystery of Lambic Beer. Scientific American.
Language: English
Category: History, Culture, Science

De Keersmaecker, J. (1996). Les Secrets des Bières Lambic. Pour la Science.
Language: French
Category: History, Culture, Science

De Keukeleire, M. (1990). Quand le Lambic Se Fabriquait à Bruxelles. Les Cahiers de la Fonderie.
Language: French
Category: History, Culture

Delplancq, T. (1996). Les Brasseurs du Lambic: Données Historiques et Géographiques. Archives et Bibliothèques de Belgique.
Language: French
Category: History, Culture, Geography

Derdelinckx, G. et al. (2006). Mechanisms of Microbiological Stability of Brewery Acid Tolerant Microorganisms. Cerevisia.
Language: English
Category: Science

Derdelinckx, G. et al. (1992). Refermentation in Bottles and Kegs: A Rigorous Approach. Brauweit International.
Language: English
Category: Science

De Cort, S. et al. (1994). Localization and Characterization of α-Glucosidase Activity in Lactobacillus brevis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology.
Language: English
Category: Science


Ebrard, L. (1966). Tonmerken van Brabantse Lambiekbrouwers. Ons Heem, No. 4.
Language: Dutch
Category: History, Culture, Barrel Markings

Erbe, T. et al. (2005) Chromatographic determination of amino acid enantiomers in beers and raw materials used for their manufacture. Food Chemistry.
Language: Dutch
Category: Science


Figuier, L. (1873). Les Merveilles de l’Industrie. Librairie Furne.
Language: French
Category: Science

Flinz, Th. (1878). Le progrès de la brasserie. Traité complet comprenant : le maltage, les meilleures méthodes de brassage, la fermentation et la conservation des bières (Pg 106-108). Office de publicité, Bruxelles
Language: French
Category: Science, Fermentation

Franssens, M. (1970). De Geuzelambik: Een Levende Historiche Getuige. De Brabander, Nos. 7-8, 1970.
Language: Dutch
Category: History

Furukawa, S. et al. (2013). Significance of Microbial Symbiotic Coexistence in Traditional Fermentation. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering.
Language: English
Category: Science


Goiris, K. et al. (2007). Controlled Mixed Culture Refermentation of Spontaneous Fermented Lambic Beer: A Reliable Process to Facilitate the Production of "Old Gueuze". 71st ASBC Annual Meeting.
Language: English
Category: Science


Heselmans, R. (1998). Geuze – Armand Debelder. Den Bierproever.
Language: Dutch
Category: Culture, History, 3 Fonteinen


Jacquemin, Madeleine (2001). Inventaire des archives de la brasserie-malterie de la Fontaine exploitée par la famille Van Haelen-Coche. Archives Générales du Royaume, Bruxelles.
Language: French
Category: Culture, History


King, B. (1999). Changes in Bitterness as Beer Ages Naturally Food Quality and Preference.
Language: English
Category: Science

Kufferath, H. (1936, a). Etude sur les Ferments Symbiotiques du Lambic. Le Petit Journal du Brasseur.
Language: French
Category: Science

Kufferath, H. (1936, b). Etude sur les Ferments Symbiotiques du Lambic - II Le Petit Journal du Brasseur.
Language: French
Category: Science


Laforgue, R. et al. (2012). Hydroxycinnamic acid decarboxylase activity of Brettanomyces bruxellensis involved in volatile phenol production: Relationship with cell viability. Food Microbiology.
Language: English
Category: Science

Lentz, M. and Harris, C. (2015). Analysis of Growth Inhibition and Metabolism of Hydroxycinnamic Acids by Brewing and Spoilage Strains of Brettanomyces Yeast. Foods.
Language: English
Category: Science

Lodahl, M. (1995). Belgium... A Land Of Endless Riches. Zymurgy.
Language: English
Category: Geography, History, Cultural Awareness

Loira, I. et al. (2013). Effect of Saccharomyces strains on the quality of red wines aged on lees. Food Chemistry.
Language: English
Category: Science

Loret, S. et al. (2005). Levels of biogenic amines as a measure of the quality of the beer fermentation process: Data from Belgian samples. Food Chemistry.
Language: English
Category: Science


Malepeyre, F. (1896). L’Art de Faire Toutes Sortes de Bières. Roret, Paris.
Language: French
Category: Science

Martens, H. et al. (1991). Wort Enterobacteria and Other Microbial Populations Involved During the First Month of Lambic Fermentaion. Journal of the Instutute of Brewing.
Language: English
Category: Science

Martens, H. et al. (1992). Synthesis of Aroma Compounds by Wort Enterobacteria During the First Stage of Lambic Fermentation. Journal of the Instutute of Brewing.
Language: English
Category: Science

Matucheski , M. (1992). The Legend of the Wild and Dirty Rose. Proceedings of the AHA Conference.
Language: English
Category: Science, Brewing, Cultural Awareness

Mertens, M. (2007). Op Bezoek bij Brouwerij Girardin. De Zytholoog.
Language: Dutch
Category: Culture, History, Girardin

Mineur, E. (1909). A Propos du Lambic. Le Petit Journal du Brasseur.
Language: French
Category: Culture, History

Moreau & Levy, - (1905). Fermentation des Bières. Béranger Ch., Paris.
Language: French
Category: Science

Motizuki, M. et al. (2008). Effect of low pH on organization of the actin cytoskeleton in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Biochimica et Biophysica Acta.
Language: English
Category: Science

Mussche, R. (1999). Spontaneous fermentation: The Production of Belgian Lambic, Gueuze and Fruit Beers. Brewer's Guardian.
Language: English
Category: History, Brewing, Science

Mussche, R. (1999). Where the Wild Yeasts Are! Brewer's Guardian.
Language: English
Category: History, Brewing, Science


Nisser, M. et al. (1990) Revue d’Histoire Sociale et Industrielle de la Région Bruxelloise. ASBL La Fonderie.
Language: French
Category: History, Culture

Noé Arroyo-López, F. (2009). Effects of temperature, pH and sugar concentration on the growth parameters of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, S. kudriavzevii and their interspecific hybrid. International Journal of Food Microbiology.
Language: English
Category: Science

Noonen, G. (1987). Belgian Lambics. Beer Styles.
Language: English
Category: History, Culture, Science


Piškur, J et al. (2012) The genome of wine yeast Dekkera bruxellensis provides a tool to explore its food-related properties. International Journal of Food Microbiology.
Language: English
Category: Science

Polak, J. et al. (2013) A study of the antioxidant properties of beers using electron paramagnetic resonance. Food Chemistry.
Language: English
Category: Science


Rossi, S. et al. (2014). Characterization of the volatile profiles of beer using headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.
Language: English
Category: Science

De Rouck, G., et al. (2014). Analytical profiling of Belgian Kriek beers. EBC Symposium in Beer Mix Beverages.
Language: English
Category: Science

Rudnitskaya, A. et al. (2009). Instrumental measurement of beer taste attributes using an electronic tongue. Analytica Chimica Acta.
Language: English
Category: Science


Scholtes, C. et al. (2015). Occurrence of Theaspirane and its Odorant Degradation Products in Hop and Beer. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
Language: English
Category: Science

Scholtes, C., Nizet, S., and Collin, C. (2015). How Sotolon Can Impart a Madeira Off-Flavor to Aged Beers. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
Language: English
Category: Science

Snauwaert, I. et al. (2016). Microbial Diversity and Metabolite Composition of Belgian Red-Brown Acidic Ales. International Journal of Food Microbiology.
Language: English
Category: Science

Spaepen, M. et al. (1982). Esterase Activity in the Genus Brettanomyces. Journal of the Institute of Brewing.
Language: English
Category: Science

Spaepen, M. et al. (1979). Higher Fatty Acid (HFA) and HFA-Ester Content of Spontaneously Fermented Belgian Beers and Evalution of Their Analytical Determination. Brauwissenschaft.
Language: English
Category: Science

Spaepen, M. et al. (1979). Fatty Acids and Esters Produced During the Spontaneous Fermentation of Lambic and Gueuze. Journal of the Institute of Brewing.
Language: English
Category: Science

Sharp, M. et al. (1992). Brewing Lambic Beers Traditionally and at Home. Proceedings of the AHA Conference.
Language: English
Category: Brewing, Cultural Awareness, History

Shantha Kumara, H. et al. (1991). Identification of Lambic Superattenuating Microorganisms by the Use of Selective Antibiotics. Journal of the Institute of Brewing.
Language: English
Category: Science

Shantha Kumara, H. et al. (1993). Localization and Characterization of α-Glucosidase Activity in Brettanomyces lambicus. Applied and Environmental Microbiology.
Language: English
Category: Science

Spitaels , F. et al. (2014). The Microbial Diversity of Traditional Spontaneously Fermented Lambic Beer. PLOS ONE.
Language: English
Category: Science

Spitaels , F. et al. (2014). Acetobacter lambici sp. nov., Isolated from Fermenting Lambic Beer. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology.
Language: English
Category: Science

Spitaels , F. et al. (2015). Microbiota and Metabolites of Aged Bottled Gueuze Beers Converge to the Same Composition. Food Microbiology.
Language: English
Category: Science

Spitaels , F. et al. (2015). The Microbial Diversity of an Industrially Produced Lambic Beer Shares Members of a Traditionally Produced One and Reveals a Core Microbiota for Lambic Beer Fermentation. Food Microbiology.
Language: English
Category: Science


Theresa de Souza Liberal, A. et al. (2012). The yeast Dekkera bruxellensis genome contains two orthologs of the ARO10 gene encoding for phenylpyruvate decarboxylase. World Journal of Microbiolical Biotechnology.
Language: English
Category: Science

Thompson-Witrick, K. et al. (2015). Comparison of Two Extraction Techniques, Solid-Phase Microextraction Versus Continuous Liquid–Liquid Extraction/Solvent-Assisted Flavor Evaporation, for the Analysis of Flavor Compounds in Gueuze Lambic Beer. Journal of Food Science.
Language: English
Category: Science

Tristezza, M. et al. (2013) Biodiversity and safety aspects of yeast strains characterized from vineyards and spontaneous fermentations in the Apulia Region, Italy. Food Microbiology.
Language: English
Category: Science


Valentin, D. et al. (2007). Expertise and memory for beers and beer olfactory compounds. Food Quality and Preference.
Language: English
Category: Science

Van Cauwenberge, P. (1928a). La Fabrication du Lambic - I. Le Petit Journal du Brasseur.
Language: French
Category: Science

Van Cauwenberge, P. (1928b). La Fabrication du Lambic - II. Le Petit Journal du Brasseur.
Language: French
Category: Science

Van Cauwenberge, P. (1928c). La Fabrication du Lambic - III. Le Petit Journal du Brasseur.
Language: French
Category: Science

Van den Eeckhout , P. (2010). Eating and Drinking in Brussels. Apetite.
Language: English
Category: History, Culture

Van den Hulle, L., and Van Laer, H. (1891). Nouvelles Recherches sur Les Bières Bruxelloises à Fermentation Dite Spontanée. Mémoires Couronnés par l'Académie Royale de Bruxelles.
Language: French
Category: Science

Van Den Steen, J. (2001). Lambic: The Oldest of Modern Beers. Beerpassion.
Language: English
Category: History

Van Den Steen, J. (2001). The Passion Panel: Going for Gueuze. Beerpassion.
Language: English
Category: History, Culture

Vanderhaegen, B. (2007). Aging characteristics of different beer types. Food Chemistry.
Language: English
Category: Science

Vanderhaegen, B. (2006). The Chemistry of Beer Aging – A Critical Review Food Chemistry.
Language: English
Category: Science

Van Laer, H. (1889). Note sur les Fermentations Visqueuses. Mémoires couronnés et autres mémoires publiés par l'Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Tome XLIII. F. Hayez, Brussels.
Langauge: French
Category: Science

Van Laer, H. (1897). Questions – Réponses. Le Petit Journal du Brasseur.
Language: French
Category: Science

Van Laer, H. (1900). Recherches sur les Bières à Double Face. Annales de l’Institut Pasteur.
Language: French
Category: Science, Fermentation

Van Laer, H. (1909). Questions – Réponses - II . Le Petite Journal du Brasseur.
Language: French
Category: Science, Fermentation

Van Laer, H. (1928, a). La fermentation des Lambics. Le Petit Journal du Brasseur.
Language: French
Category: Science, Fermentation

Van Laer, H. (1928, b). La fermentation des Lambics - II. Le Petit Journal du Brasseur.
Language: French
Category: Science, Fermentation

Van Laer, M.H. (1935). Fermentation spontanées in La chimie des fermentations (pg. 186-196). Masson, Paris.
Language: French
Category: Science, Fermentation

Van Nedervelde, L. et al. (1995). Biochemical Properties of Brettanomyces Yeasts. Food Spoilage Microorganisms, Woodhead Publishing.
Language: English
Category: Science

Van Oevelen, D. et al. (1976). Synthesis of Aroma Components During the Spontaneous Fermentation of Lambic and Gueuze. Journal of the Institute of Brewing.
Language: English
Category: Science, Fermentation

Van Oevelen, D. et al. (1977). Microbiological Aspects of Spontaneous Wort Fermentation in the Production of Lambic and Gueuze. Journal of the Institute of Brewing.
Language: English
Category: Science, Fermentation

Van Oevelen, D. et al. (1978). Origin and Evolution of Dimethyl Sulfide and Vicinal Diketones During the Spontaneous Fermentation of Lambic and Gueuze. Cerevisia.
Language: English
Category: Science, Fermentation

Van Oevelen, D. et al. (1979). Slime Production by Brewery Strains of Pediococcus cerevisiae. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists.
Language: English
Category: Science, Fermentation

Van Roost, A. (1896). Causerie sur la fabrication des Bières de Bruxelles - Conférence faite le 1er mars 1896, à l'Association des Brasseurs de la Province d'Anvers.
Language: French
Category: Science, Fermentation

Van Roy, J.P. (1990). Projets et Réalités: Le Musée Bruxellois de la Gueuze. Bières et Brasseries.
Language: French
Category: Culture, History, Cantillon

Vansevenant, Annick. (2005). Le Brasseur à l’Étoile Michelin. Le Journal du Brasseur.
Language: French
Category: Culture, History, Cantillon

Verachtert, H. et al. (1995). Properties of Belgian Acid Beers and Their Microflora. Cerevisia.
Language: English
Category: Science

Verachtert, H. et al. (2004). Recent Developments in Lambic and Geuze brewing. Craft Brewers Conference.
Language: English
Category: Science

Verachtert, H. et al. (2014). Belgian Acid Beers: Daily Reminiscences of the Past. Cerevisia.
Language: English
Category: History, Science

Vermeylen, Joseph (1962). Traité de la fabrication du malt et de la bière. Institut Supérieur des Fermentations, Gand.
Language: French
Category: Science, Fermentation

Viegas, C. (1997). Effects of low temperatures (9-33°C) and pH (3.3-5.7) in the loss of Saccharomyces cerevsiae viability by combining lethal concentrations of ethanol with octanoic and decanoic acids. International Journal of Food Microbiology.
Language: English
Category: Science

Vossen, A. (1923). L'influence du Bac Refroidissoir dans la Fermentation Spontanée. Le Petit Journal du Brasseur.
Language: French
Category: Science, Coolship

Vossen, A. (1937). Du Lambic. Le Petit Journal du Brasseur.
Language: French
Category: Science

Vossen, A. (1954). Champagne – Gueuze. Fermentatio, No. 1.
Language: French
Category: Science, Fermentation


Wieme, A. (2014). Identification of beer-spoilage bacteria using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. International Journal of Food Microbiology.
Language: English
Category: Science