Welcome to lambic.info. This page endeavors to gather information about lambic breweries past and present, beers, events, and locations into one spot. Just like lambic, this page is continuously developing with new information and entries.
== What is Lambic? ===La Senne Valley==* <Senne Valley paragraph here>==History==* <history paragraph here>==Styles==* La Senne Valley'''Unblended lambic'''<Unblended paragraph here>* Barrels, Baskets, and other tools'''Geuze'''<Geuze paragraph here>* Store sideways or upright?'''Fruited lambic'''<Fruited paragraph here>* Gueuze or Geuze'''Faro'''<Faro paragraph here>
== Lambic Brewers and Blenders (Commercial) ===== Brewers ===
* [[3 Fonteinen]]
* [[Belle Vue]]
* [[Oud Beersel]] (Brewer/Blender)
* [[Timmermans]] (Brewer/Blender)
=== Blenders ===
* [[De Cam]] (Blender)
* [[Hanssens]] (Blender)
* [[OWA]]
== Lambic Breweries and Blenders (Closed) ==
== Lambic Bars ==
*[[Ebenezer's Pub]]
== Lambic Events ==Barrels, Baskets, and other tools==Storage / Cellaring==Gueuze or Geuze== Learn More ==
* Books
* Toer de Geuze