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1 byte added, 18:01, 5 July 2020
 Scholtes, C. et al, Nizet, S., and Collin, C. (2015). Occurrence of Theaspirane and its Odorant Degradation Products in Hop and BeerHow Sotolon Can Impart a Madeira Off-Flavor to Aged Beers. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.<br>
'''Language:''' English<br>
'''Category:''' Science
Scholtes, C., Nizet, S., and Collin, Cet al. (2015). How Sotolon Can Impart a Madeira Off-Flavor to Aged BeersOccurrence of Theaspirane and its Odorant Degradation Products in Hop and Beer. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.<br>
'''Language:''' English<br>
'''Category:''' Science
'''Category:''' Science
Spitaels, F. et al. (2014). ''[[The Microbial Diversity of Traditional Spontaneously Fermented Acetobacter lambici sp. nov., Isolated from Fermenting Lambic Beer.]]'' PLOS ONEInternational Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology.<br>
'''Language:''' English<br>
'''Category:''' Science
Spitaels, F. et al. (2014). ''[[Acetobacter lambici sp. nov., Isolated from Fermenting The Microbial Diversity of Traditional Spontaneously Fermented Lambic Beer.]]'' International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary MicrobiologyPLOS ONE.<br>
'''Language:''' English<br>
'''Category:''' Science

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