Lambic blender founded in Brussels by Jean Van Malder. Once The first appearance of Van Malder in the Brussels Almanac was in 1904. Originally located in Molenbeek at Chaussée de Gand 163, then at Place Wouters Koeckx 13-14 until 1942, it was later relocated to Anderlecht at [https://www.google.com/maps/@50.8395276,4.3273634,3a,90y,15.14h,107.36t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sATajBYnr_7cgLQrilgJHvA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?shorturl=1 Rue Van Lint 37.]
Also known as "Brasserie De La Bourse". By 1975 they only produced filtered gueuze. Van Malder was one of the last two Brussels lambic producers (besides Cantillon) before closing in 1986.