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Brasserie Drie Pikkel

17 bytes added, 16:11, 26 August 2015
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Founded by Jean Charles De Vleminck & Fils. in Strombeek-Bever, Belgium in 1892. Active under the name "Brouwerij du Drij Pikkel S.A." from 1904 until 1955 when the brewery closed due to outstanding debts. Produced It produced Faro, Gueuze, Gueuze Lambic, Kriek, and Krieken Lambic. <ref name =DrijPikkelBeers>[ Archived brewery listing (Proud2B)] </ref> Located at Boechoutlaan 245, the site originally dated to 1820 as an inn, brewery and cooperage farm.
The brewery name "Drie/Dry Pikkel" refers to a 3-legged stool (a driepikkel), which is a symbol of symbolizes the 3 municipalities: (of Strombeek) -Bever, Meise and Wemmel.
In 1957 , part of the former brewery is converted into a tavern, which operated until the early 1970's. A dairy was also located in the former brewery complex at the same time as while the tavernwas in operation. A time later the entire brewery complex was bought by a wine wholesaler , H. Roscam, who performed a full restoration of the buildings, which are still in use today.<ref name=Verdwenen>Calderón, Adelijn, Verdwenen Brouwerijen Van Belgie, Mens & Cultuur, 2012. P. 457.</ref> <ref name =DrijPikkelHistory>[ Historical info -] </ref>

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