== Description ==
Fill me inThe Menu Pineau is minor grape from the Loire region of France. This is the same region as the [[Cantillon Pinot D'Aunis|Pinot d’Aunis]] grape. Menu Pineau grapes are also known as Arbois of Petit Pineau. They are known for their low acidity and often used to soften high acidity wines.
== History / Other Notes ==Fill me in == Unsubstantiated Stories ==Fill me inFor Zwanze 2011, Cantillon brewed test batches of lambic with Menu Pineau and Pinot d’Aunis grapes. Because Menu Pineau was not selected, it has never been sold commercially and was not publicly released.
==Bottle Log==
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Bottle date
! Cork Date
! Bottle Size
! Image Link
| 11/14/2008| 20082011
| 750mL
| Notes| Need PhotoUnlabeled bottles