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149 bytes added, 02:58, 19 October 2014
==== Description ====
Van den Steen's ''Geuze & Kriek: The Secret of Lambic Beer'' is a primary source for much of the historical background on breweries presented on []. The research done for this book covers much of the early histories of all of the active brewers and blenders, as well as some of the closed brewers and blenders. We have relied on the familial and historical data provided for each brewery to create a bigger picture of the long tradition of many lambic brewers and blenders. Van den Steen also talks about the history of lambic in general cultural terms as well as the history of the language surrounding lambic. Additionally, Van den Steen discusses some of the legal protections in place for lambic beers, the geography of lambic, and the brewing process.
==Geuze en Humanisme==
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