Timmermans Framboise Lambicus

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← Timmermans


Timmermans Framboise Lambicus is a sweeteend lambic with 100% natural raspberry flavoring added. It is currently available in 25cl and 33cl bottles.[1] It is 4% ABV. Older labels indicate that Timmermans Framboise was also available at one time in 37,5cl and 75cl bottles. The Delhaize Food Group also markets Timmermans Framboise under their own in-house label. The Delhaize labelings indicate that the beer has both natural and sugar substitutes as sweeteners.

Label Log


  1. Timmermans Framboise, http://anthonymartin.be/en/our-beers/timmermans/timmermans-framboise-lambicus/-3-55/


← Timmermans