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Delirium Cafe

120 bytes added, 20:23, 30 January 2015
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Délirium Café is a bar in Brussels, known for it's extensive beer selection. In December 2013, they beat their own previous record and were recorded in the Guinness World Records for having more than 3000 beers commonly available.<ref name=guinness2004>Delirium Cafe, Most Varieties of Beer,</ref> <ref name=guinness2013>Delirium Cafe Announcement, 2013 Record,</ref>
Délirium's lambic selection is extensive. While most lambics are available in the Cellar Bar, there are often exclusive lambics at each of the other bars as well, so it is worth exploring the whole village. They have an extensive offsite cellar, so vintage lambics do periodically reappear. While bottles used to be sold to go at the bar's discretion, this was abused over the years and is no longer an option.
The bar is located in the small alley called Impasse de la Fidélité/Getrouwheidsgang.
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