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27 bytes added, 19:35, 26 October 2020
updated archived reference link [4]
3) Robert Desart: there are many reasons why I point in his direction.
* In 2009 the late Guy Moerenhout claimed he had a letter of Robert Desart writing to the newspaper Le Peuple on the 28th of April 1958 that he is the author of ''Les Mémoires de Jef Lambic''. Knowing Guy Moerenhout and the priceless effort he put in his blog ''‘C’était au temps où Bruxelles brassait’'' and describing the old beer days in Brussels, this must be correct. Until now, I wasn’t able to verify this with a relative, but for me there is no doubt.<ref name = Moerenhout2> Morenhout, Guy – [ Nouveaux Achats]</ref>
*The other books by Robert Desart are very much in line with Jef Lambic. Stylish, but also the content. Brussels back in the days…

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