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Brasserie Van Haelen-Coche

No change in size, 20:45, 10 February 2016
Located at Chaussée d'Alsemberg 991-993
In the Uccle town archives, there is a building permit (AP 2460) of a certain Van Haelen who wished to build a brewery along the route Brussels-Lille. These two documents make us suspect that Van Haelen, a pub owner and innkeeper (at the future site of the brewery Merlo Merlink), between 1866-1898 moved from the Stallestraat to the Alsembergsesteenweg into their own new private brewerybetween 1866-1898. The specialty of this brewery was Gueuze and Kriekenlambic in bottles. Around the turn of the century they also brewed Lambic, Faro, Bruin Tafelbier, and Mars.
In early 1902, Emile Van Haelen-Coche had permission to construct a beer depot in the back garden of his brewery located on the Alsembergsesteenweg 615 (later 991). The brewery was then called "Brasserie del'Ange". Van Haelen-Coche Brewery disappeared between 1963 and 1970 (1968, ed.). By 1970, the brewery buildings were sold to an industrial bakery. <ref name=Quintens> Quintens, Patricia, Bier et Brouwerijen te Brussel, AVMB, 1996, pp. 220. </ref>

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