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Lambic.Info Logo

53 bytes added, 15:50, 26 September 2015
Added link to book and minor language edits
==Original Signage==
The legend of Saint George and its apparent connection to Belgium, the town of Lembeek, beer, and lambic in general is becomes apparent after some research. What is still unknown is where the inspiration for the original sign drawing of the sign by Robert Desart in the back of [[Books#Les_Memoirs_de_Jef_Lambic|Les Memoris de Jef Lambic ]] and where the saying came from. It may be nothing more than a picture made up imagined by the Desart 1955 as he was illustrating the book, but it may also be a depiction of a real sign that is , possibly even still hanging above the a door of to an estaminet or café in an undiscovered corner of Brussels. Our hope is to someday find the original and uncover more of its history. The idea to adapt this logo for the project comes both out of respect for the cultural history of lambic and from the continued research that it represents.

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