== History / Other Notes ==
The grapes were dried out using process called appassimento or rasinate (to dry and shrivel) in Italian. This is traditionally done on straw mats following a method used to make Italian Amarone wines. While the Amarone process is primarily for red wine grapes, the history of straw wines, or raison wines dates back to 800BCand used both red and white wine grapes. <ref name=StrawWine>Straw Wine, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_wine</ref>The drying process typically takes around 120 days. Do so results in the grapes losing 25-45% of their weight and it concentrates the remaining sugars and flavors. This process produces a raisony, full-bodied flavor with low acidity. <ref name=Amarone>Amarone Wines, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amarone</ref>
==Bottle Log==