
Cantillon Amarillo Lambic

70 bytes removed, 21:26, 29 September 2014
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[[File:Cantillon-Beer.jpg|right|300px|Cantillon Beer]]
[[Brasserie Cantillon|← Cantillon]]
== Description ==
Fill me in == History Cantillon Amarillo Lambic was a draft only single barrel hopped lambic that was served at the [[Weekend of Spontaneous Fermentation]] and [ Other Notes ==Fill me Great British Beer Festivals] in == Unsubstantiated Stories ==Fill me in ==Bottle Log2008. <ref name==<centerRBCantillonAmarillo>{| class="wikitable" border="1"|-! Bottle date (mmLambik Amarillo,! Cork Date! Bottle Size! Label beer/ Notes! Image Link|cantillon-lambik-| 11amarillo/1482296/2008| 2008| 750mL| Notes| Need Photo|- |}</centerref>
== References ==
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