
Lambic raffle

5 bytes removed, 17:29, 6 July 2019
Wall of Lambic
'''We need your help to make this happen!''' For every 75cl bottle of lambic you donate from the list below directly to Brews for New Avenues, you will earn THREE RAFFLE TICKETS. Bottles that are only available in 37,5cl (such as Boon Vats are also eligible) Please be sure to print out the the Lambic.Info Wall of Lambic Donation Sheet and stick it into your box so we can track your donation and assign you raffle tickets. All donation boxes must be received by August 17th to be considered for raffle tickets. If you are attending the Brews for New Avenues VIP session this year, you will have the chance to blindly purchase a bottle from this wall!
File:Wall of Lambic 1.JPG|Raf Soef trading Goat Lambic for Coors Light
'''We are ISO the following or other similar bottles. Basically, these are lambics that we think everyone would be pretty stoked to buy at a "slightly higher than shelf price", and every bottle will be priced the same!'''
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