
Brasserie Goossens

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Brasserie Goossens was founded in 1767 by Nestor Goossens in the village of Schepdaal - Sint-Gertrudis-Pedeat Isabellastraat 16. First merged with De Boeck in 1938, then later merged into Brasseries Unies in 1960.
According to a recent account by Frank Boon in July, 2014: "I visited this brewery in early 1970. The coppers were not present anymore, but there was a coolship and mashtun (in cast iron). Capacity of about 40 HL. They sold nearly all their beer as young lambic in small wooden casks without pressure and in casks from 80L, 180L and 250L for farmers and cafés. Geuze and Kriek only small production. I don't know about malting. I know there was a malting unit at De Neve Brewery which was at approx. 200 meters distance from Nestor Goossens."