Cantillon Soleil De Minuit


Cantillon Soleil De Minuit is a lambic with 300 grams per liter of cloudberries added and bottled exclusively for Akkurat in Stockholm, Sweden. For the first batch, fresh cloudberries were added directly to the oak barrel with two year old lambic poured on top. The process was repeated for the second batch using frozen cloudberries added to a single oak barrel. It is available in 37.5cl, 75cl, and 1.5L bottles.

History / Other Notes

Soliel de Minuit made its debut in 1999. It was released to Akkurat in three sizes, all of which came with a paper wrapping the bottle. Due to Sweden's alcohol control system, Systembolaget, the beer was not available to go. In 2013, after many rumors, Soleil de Minuit was made again and again sent to Akkurat. A third batch was bottled in 2015 and released in celebration of Akkurat's 20th Anniversary.

Unsubstantiated Stories

Some have reported that Systembolaget did sell a small quantity of the original 1999 batch through the Swedish alcohol stores.


Bottle Log

Bottle date


Cork Date Bottle Size Label / Notes Image Link
N/A (Batch 1) 1999 375mL A cloudberry lambic, brewed exclusively for Akkurat N/A
N/A (Batch 1) 1999 750mL A cloudberry lambic, brewed exclusively for Akkurat N/A
N/A (Batch 1) 1999 1.5L A cloudberry lambic, brewed exclusively for Akkurat N/A
N/A (Batch 2) 2013 750mL A cloudberry lambic, brewed exclusively for Akkurat N/A
N/A (Batch 2) 2013 1.5L A cloudberry lambic, brewed exclusively for Akkurat N/A
10/02/2015 (Batch3) 2015 750ml A cloudberry lambic, brewed exclusively for Akkurat Cantillon Soleil de Minuit 2 Oct 2015.jpg

