Cantillon Lambic d'Haute Densité

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Cantillon Lambic d'Haute Densité

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Lambic d'Haute Densité, or High Density Lambic, is an experimental lambic brewed to attain a high alcohol content. The final result is a 9.1% ABV and 8° Plato beer with little carbonation. Cantillon described this beer on their facebook page as being "close to a Barley Wine or an oxidized wine like Madeira, Sherry or Vin Jaune."


The creation of Lambic d'Haute Densité started in 2010 when Cantillon brewed a high-alcohol lambic resulting in a 9.7% ABV beer with 8° Plato residual sugar. This was repeated in 2011 resulting in a lambic of 8.7% ABV. The brewery wrote in June of 2013 that "because of the high alcohol level, we had no more evolution after 2 years and we decide to blend those two brews and to bottle it in February of this year." Thus the Lambic d'Haute Densité was born.

This beer was bottled into bulbous 750ml bottles and corked with a 2013 cork. It was first served at The Festival in Portland, Maine between June 21st and June 22nd put on by Shelton Brothers and 12% Imports. At The Festival, this beer was labeled with 375ml yellow Cantillon Classic Gueuze labels with no cap (cork only). Though some bottles mistakenly left the confines of the festival, the remaining bottles were returned to Cantillon by Shelton Brothers as it was never intended for public distribution.

Other Notes / Unsubstantiated Stories

A picture was posted on April 29, 2014 of Jean Van Roy holding a six-liter bottle of the Lambic d'Haute Densité. It is unclear when or if it was opened and served. Cantillon currently has many bottles of Lambic d'Haute Densité in their long term off-site aging cellar.[1]

Bottle Log

Bottle Date Cork Date Bottle Size Label / Notes Image Link
02/2013 2013 750ml Yellow 375ml Cantillon Classice Gueuze label, initially un-capped N/A


On May 7, 2013 a rear label was approved for Lambic d'Haute Densité in the United States.[2] It is unknown whether or not these labels were actually used.
Lambic d'Haute Densité, rear label, U.S. Import


  1. Cantillon - Facebook, April 29, 2014,
  2. TTB Label Aproval, Cantillon Lambic d'Haute Densité, 2013


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