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Recent Updates

168 bytes added, 02:25, 19 May 2020
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Below you will find a chronological list of significant updates made to the site, including newly added pages, clarified information, updated bottle and label logs, etc.
==May 18, 2020==
Created page for [[/3_Fonteinen_Speling_van_het_Lot_XV.i_-_Cuvée_Armand_%26_Gaston_"De_Langste_Kook"|3 Fonteinen Armand & Gaston - The Longest Boil]]
==May 16, 2020==
Added [[Estaminets_and_Cafés._Brussels_Stories.|''Estaminets and Cafés, Brussels Stories'']] to the [[Books|books section.]]
==May 13, 2020==
Delete, Protect, administrator

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