I'm an amateur lambic historian with a background in art and graphic design. Lambic beers have been a passion of mine for many years.
My first encounter with lambic was Lindemans Framboise in the late 1990's, but the revelatory moment came after having a sometime in the mid-2000's, my first [[Cantillon_Fou%27_Foune|Cantillon Fou' Foune]] on draft at the [http://www.maproom.com Map Room] in Chicago, sometime in the mid-2000'sIllinois USA.
A few years ago, after reading [[Books#Wild_Brews:_Culture_and_Craftsmanship_in_the_Belgian_Tradition|Wild Brews]], [[Books#LambicLand:_A_Journey_Round_the_Most_Unusual_Beers_in_the_World|LambicLand]], and [[Books#Geuze_.26_Kriek:_The_Secret_of_Lambic_Beer|Geuze & Kriek]], I wanted to know more about the history of lambic producers. An ongoing research project followed, and the result is the [https://www.lambic.info/List_of_Closed_Lambic_Breweries_and_Blenders List of Closed Lambic Breweries and Blenders page.] Thanks to the authors for their tireless work and inspiration, their books inspired me to delve deeper. Thanks especially to everyone that has contributed to this project along the way.
To submit feedback, photos, corrections, or anything related to historical lambic producers, please feel free to email me at: [mailto:matt@lambic.info matt@lambic.info]