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Nacht van de Grote Dorst

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[[Home#Lambic_Events|← Lambic Events]]
The Night of the Great Thirst, also known as the '''International Festival of Geuze and Kriek''' aims to publicize and celebrate lambic both in Belgium and throughout the world. This festival was first introduced in 2004 and is held every other year in Eizeringen, Belgium. Beginning in 2011, a US Edition of this festival was started during the off years, and is hosted at [[Ebenezer's Pub]] in Lovell, Maine.
==History==The event was originally organized as a protest, as the inspector of the federal food agency (Federaal Voedselagentschap (FAVV)) was not aware of spontaneous fermentation processes and was threatening to close a number of breweries. More than 700 people showed up, twice what was expected, and helped demonstrate to the government the importance of the survival and protection of this centuries-old brewing method.<ref name=favv></ref>
While With the protest was a success and the government came to understand the importance of Lambic in Belgian culture, the original event continues to , subsequent events continue to draw attention to the importance of lambic and it's its Belgian heritage. Additionally, the Night of the Great Thirst also pays homage to spontaneously fermented beers around the world. While not lambic, these beers are an important piece to the revival of interest in spontaneously fermented beers.
In 2012, the Night of the Great Thirst won a bronze metal at the Belgian Beer Awards for Best Event of 2012.
==Past EventsEizeringen, Belgium==The small village of Eizeringen hosts De Nacht van de Grote Dorst. The primary pub in the village, [[In_de_Verzekering_tegen_de_Grote_Dorst|In de Verzekering tegen de Grote Dorst]] serves as a focal point for the festival. Admission to the festival is free and beer tokens are sold. The lambic brewers and blenders represented at the festival in 2014 included [[Brouwerij_Boon|Boon]], [[Brasserie_Cantillon|Cantillon]], [[De_Cam_Geuzestekerij|De Oude Cam]], [[Brouwerij_De Troch|De Troch]], [[Brouwerij_3 Fonteinen|3 Fonteinen]], [[Brouwerij_Girardin|Girardin]], [[Hanssens_Artisanaal_bvba|Hanssens]], [[Brasserie_Mort Subite|Mort Subite]], [[Brouwerij_Lindemans|Lindemans]], [[Brouwerij_Oud_Beersel|Oud Beersel]], [[Gueuzerie_Tilquin|Tilquin]] and [[Brouwerij_Timmermans|Timmermans]].
==Lovell, Maine==[[File:NightoftheGreatThirst.png|thumb|right]]In 2011, the first edition of the Nacht van de Grote Dorst took place at [[Ebenezer's Pub]] in Lovell, Maine. This Night of Great Thirst featured both lambic beers from Belgium and spontaneously fermented beers brewed in the United States. The second edition of the festival took place in 2013 again at Ebenezer's Pub. As of early 2015, there is no word on whether or not this festival will be held in the spring.       ==Past Dates==* March 5, 2004(Belgium)* March 3, 2006(Belgium)* March 1, 2008(Belgium)* March 5, 2010(Belgium)* August 20, 2011 (USUnited States)* April 27, 2012(Belgium)* August 24, 2013 (USUnited States)* April 25, 2014(Belgium)
== Videos ==
=== In de Verzekering tegen de Grote Dorst ===
<youtube width="250" height="200">28xFrvuCGKE</youtube>
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