
Nacht van de Grote Dorst

880 bytes added, 16:34, 7 January 2015
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The Night of the Great Thirst was first introduced in 2004 and is held every other year. This festival, also known as the '''International Festival of Geuze and Kriek''' aims to publicize and celebrate lambic both in Belgium and throughout the world.
The event was originally organized as a protest, as the inspector of the federal food agency (Federaal Voedselagentschap (FAVV)) was not aware of spontaneous fermentation processes and was threatening to close a number of breweries. More than 700 people showed up, twice what was expected, and helped demonstrate to the government the importance of the survival and protection of this centuries-old brewing method<ref name=favv></ref>
In 2012, the Night of the Great Thirst won a bronze metal at the Belgian Beer Awards for Best Event of 2012.
== Videos ==
<youtube width="250" height="200">28xFrvuCGKE</youtube>
<youtube width="250" height="200">CN123ol7NMg</youtube>
<references />
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