
Nacht van de Grote Dorst

2 bytes added, 15:05, 17 January 2015
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==Eizeringen, Belgium==
The small village of Eizeringen hosts De Nacht van de Grote Dorst. The primary pub in the village, [[In_de_Verzekering_tegen_de_Grote_Dorst|In de Verzekering tegen de Grote Dorst]] serves as a focal point for the festival. Admission to the festival is free and beer tokens are sold. The lambic brewers and blenders represented at the festival in 2014 included [[Brouwerij_Boon|Boon]], [[Brasserie_Cantillon|Cantillon]], [[De_Cam_Geuzestekerij|De Oude Cam]], [[Brouwerij_De Troch|De Troch]], [[Brouwerij_3 Fonteinen|3 Fonteinen]], [[Brouwerij_Girardin|Girardin]], [[Hanssens_Artisanaal_bvba|Hanssens]], [[Brasserie_Mort Subite|Mort Subite]], [[Brouwerij_Lindemans|Lindemans]], [[Brouwerij_Oud_Beersel|Oud Beersel]], [[Gueuzerie_Tilquin|Tilquin]] , and [[Brouwerij_Timmermans|Timmermans]].
==Lovell, Maine==
In 2011, the first edition of the Nacht van de Grote Dorst took place at [[Ebenezer's Pub]] in Lovell, Maine. This Night of Great Thirst featured both lambic beers from Belgium and spontaneously fermented beers brewed in the United States. The second edition of the festival took place in 2013 , again at Ebenezer's Pub. As of early 2015, there is no word on whether or not this festival will be held in the spring.