[[List of Lambic Bars, Cafés, and Restaurants |← Lambic Bars, Cafés, and Restaurants]]
'''Website:''' Nhttp://www.boelekewis.be/A
'''Address:''' Molenveld 79Alsembergsesteenweg 856, 1653 Dworp, Belgium
'''Phone:''' +32 2 .380 11 17.44.14
Cafe In de Welkom The Boelekewis Grill-Resto is a small café located in near Huizingen Castle. The restaurant serves traditional Belgian food and beer Dworp (Tourneppe), Belgium, in the same town as [[Hanssens_Artisanaal_bvba|Hanssens Artisanaal]]. They are known for serving mainly Hanssens products as well as being the oldest surviving local café. The café was purchased in 1906 Run by the Wauters family Joffrey Heymans and has remained in operation under the same family ever since. Current owner/operator Lisa Wauters, who is now in her 80'sBart Roose, Boelekewis has no immediate successors to the business.<ref name = InDeWelkom> Editiepajot - ''[extensive menu of bottled (http://www.editiepajotboelekewis.combe/regios/3/articles/17681 In café "In de Welkom", oudste café van DWORP, wordt al twee jaar niet meer gerookt]'', 2011 (DutchBoelekeGeuze.html) </ref> <ref name=InDeWelkom2> DrinkBelgianBeer - "[http://drinkbelgianbeerand jonge lambic offerings.com/cafes/cafe-de-welkom-dworp "Cafe In de WelkomAdditionally, Dworp"]"</ref>many dishes are prepared with lambic.