Cantillon Iris Grand Cru

Revision as of 10:59, 17 January 2015 by Ryan (talk | contribs) (History / Other Notes)

Revision as of 10:59, 17 January 2015 by Ryan (talk | contribs) (History / Other Notes)


Cantillon Iris Grand Cru is a version of Iris that was bottled prior to the normal dry hopping process. It is the same recipe as the regular Iris, but aged an additional year to make a total of three years in the barrel. It is similar philosophy to the Grand Cru Bruocsella.

History / Other Notes

Iris Grand Cru was available on tap at some locations during Zwanze Day 2013, and is the base beer for Zwanze 2014.[1] It is also bottled in 750ml bottles.

Bottle Log

Bottle date


Cork Date Bottle Size Label / Notes Image Link
07/10/2013 2013 750mL Notes N/A
03/10/2014 N/A 30L Keg Notes N/A


  1. Cantillon Zwanze Day 2014 -

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