[[File:Map West Flanders.png|thumb|West Flanders Region. Source: Wikipedia]]
The entire country of Belgium has a strong tradition in brewing. Many brewers and styles have borrowed from one another over time. Nowhere was this more prevalent than in the mid-20th century when [[Sweetened_Lambic|sweetened]] lambic was gaining popularity after the Second World War. Several breweries in particular began to capitalize on the popularity of this sweetened beer and make similar products. For a time, some of these breweries were buying lambic wort and maturing it in their own oak foeders outside of the Pajottenland before sweetening and packaging it as their own version of lambic. The history of spontaneously fermented beers in the West Flanders region is an interesting side story to the history of lambic in Brussels and the Pajottenland in general.
The region known as West Flanders ('''Dutch:'''''West-Vlaanderen'', '''French:''' ''Flandre-Occidentale'') is an area in northwestern Belgium that borders France, The Netherlands, the North Sea, and the Belgian provinces of East Flanders and Hainaut. Its capital is the city of Brugge ('''French: '''''Bruges''), and its principal river is the Leie ('''French: '''''Lys'') which flows from the Pas-de-Calais region in France.